
Tantra Festival Angsbäcka

Tantric Dance explenation

What is Tantric Dance?

A free dance form where there is one who leads (creates) the dance, and one who receives (surrenders) in the dance. The one who receives has the eyes closed and sharpens the other senses in order to be guided. It is playful interaction between two people that through dance become aware of their inner world and body.

What is Tantric Dance?

Tantric Dance is a playful interaction between masculine and feminine energy to transcend duality. A journey to become more truthful to yourself and others.

With Tantric Dance we’re dancing in couples. One is blindfolded and surrenders to the other who leads the dance. The one who is leading is acting from masculine energy (Shiva). Masculine energy is decisive and guides the other into a dance journey. The one who receives is acting from feminine qualities (Shakti). The feminine energy is graceful, fluid like water and surrenders.

The blindfold is helping us to turn inward by closing one of our main senses, our eyes. We become more sensitive to what is and stay present and alert in the moment. This helps us to observe ourselves. To witness how we are connecting with others and discover ourselves in different ways. Here lays an invitation to make a different movement, to make an end to what is holding you back to shine. To step into your light.

To create an intimate and safe environment we will work with a small group. If you are interested or you have questions please email to:

Tantric Dance is a dance form created by Art of Loving @2007 in The Netherlands. It’s gaining popularity al over the world.

Making Magic

While you are waiting blindfolded, you feel the invitation to let yourself be taken to the end of the world. To let go of control, to let yourself fall deeply and at the same time you are completely present in your own body. Feeling every touch and direction from the other, in your body. Your body that vibrates and comes to life.

You lead the dance and feel how everything in you awakens to take this person for you in the expression of your life energy. You feel clear, vibrant with life and energy.

Suddenly you feel together how not you shape this dance, but how the dance moves through you. You lose all sense of time and space.
That is the Magic of Tantric Dance.