Rakesh Mijling

As a child I grew up in the Osho Commune. This has given a free view of life and laid a foundation for self-development. I received the name Rakesh in 1981 from Osho (Bagwhan) and have kept it ever since. The path of tantra has created enormous openness, sensitivity and acceptance. I would love to share the knowledge and experience that I have gained during my years of research.

My whole life has been a gradual expansion of consciousness. Accession to various meditations started at an early age. Great inner changes have taken place through initiations in Osho Meditations, Vipassana, Kriya Yoga, Advaita Vedante and Tantra. I feel most connected to Tantra. After years of tantra training, I can circulate energies that go beyond the body. Now I walk the path that creates deep openings and lets inner strength blossom.

Besides giving workshops, I am involved in consciousness related projects.

Elfriede van der Sanden

I have been on the path of awareness for about 10 years now. All my life I have been looking further: who am I, what am I doing here, what is this world?

At some point I discovered that we are so much more than our heads, that an infinitely mystical world exists alongside physical reality. This started my flame, and since then I have had an intense passion to light this flame with other people.
I do this in different ways, such as with Wild Hearts, which I also do with Rakesh, and with Tantric Dance.

The beauty of Tantric Dance is that it invites you to go to a place of total 'embodiment'. To a place where all words disappear, and there is only a movement that takes you: higher, deeper, softer, wilder ... ..

I have traveled a long way within Tantric Dance. At the beginning I didn't like it and even walked away. Later it made me realize that the fears I had back then were in fact fears for myself. Now I feel safe in contact, because I know that I take care of myself. Because I found empowerment IN the contact.

It is my wish to be "fully alive". With whatever there is: sadness, joy, love. That every feeling may be completely felt. That we don't have to make a story of it or keep something high. That head can take it easy, the body and heart open: a journey begins that never ends, the colors become more and more vibrant and one miracle creates the next!

I hope I can meet you too. Because we have so much to give each other. The veils are falling and we find out that we have been talking to ourselves all along. Welcome home!

Marita Mistar Damen

I have been dancing through life from my earliest childhood.
After practicing many forms of dance, I came into contact with Tantric Dance.
Through Tantric Dance I met the Goddess in me.
The woman who can seduce.
The mistress, the whore, the witch, the virgin, the mother. the Priestess.

All my passions came together; dance, relationships, sexuality, yoga and Tantra;
my drive to touch people, to set them in motion, to connect and to make them remember.
It was as if a gate was opened that gave access to my true nature.

Besides being a Tantric Dance teacher, I am also a yoga teacher and I give private Tantra sessions for couples.

Grateful that I can walk, live and share this Tantra path.
I would like to take you on this beautiful, wonderful path of deepening and connection!


Hein van den Heuvel

Tantric Dance for me is a personal quest, a journey of discovery and a challenging learning experience. Ultimately, it helps to get in even deeper contact with my body and the feelings that are evoked while dancing. With the additional result that what I learn can also be applied in daily life.

I find the enrichment in dancing “together” and the variety in “Following and Leiden”. I discovered that a component was added to my dance experience namely “the connection”!
I had missed this and now got thrown into my lap as an extra gift.

Tantric Dance has given me the confidence to do justice both as a “leader” and as a “follower” in the moment of the dance with a partner. Still every time I think, I know how it works, I discover new aspects in myself that I had not seen or encountered before.

Out of personal interest I have been involved for many years with the theoretical aspects of sexuality and intimacy. In order to be able to apply integral and transpersonal aspects of it in the “hands-on practitioner” practice, I have followed various workshops and training courses in the broad spectrum of Tantra over the past 20 years. I followed the training as a mentor surrogate partner therapy at the Love Academy. In addition, I have obtained various certificates, including that of Neo-Tantra masseur, in Reiki, Foot Reflexology, and Chi Neng Qigong.

Sandy Litjens

Dancing and making music is in my blood: I inherited it from my mother. The feeling of rhythm, not being able to sit still with music and as a child miming to Madonna with my hairbrush in front of the mirror. Somewhere I also lost that pleasure, partly because of having to “keep in line”, or “follow the rules”, just as in a Harmony you have to follow the score neatly in order to continue to sound good as a whole and with ballroom dancing you have to follow the steps. learn to avoid stepping on your partner's toes. There was too much to do.

After my divorce I immersed myself fully in consciousness work; I realized that I had lost myself somewhere along the way and felt the desire to find myself again, to discover who I really am in essence. I soon rediscovered my love for dancing and making music, this time in a more free space. In free dance, such as tantric dance, there is an invitation, not a requirement. I also discovered that I have a talent for guiding others in their process and that I really enjoy it and get energy from it. So I am now a certified coach and Tantric Dance teacher and I feel grateful that I can now pass it on to others.

Toermalijn Peters

Dance! I breathe it, I live it, I am it!

My world opened up through Ecstatic dance.

After many years of going out, immersing myself in worlds that never quite fit, everything changed after my first Yoga training in India.

The famous trip abroad, which allowed my spirituality, which had been quite present since childhood, to manifest even more in the physical world.

My old life crumbled in 2016 and was exchanged for countless courses and training in consciousness work, including: 500 hrs certificate in Yoga training, emotional bodywork, the Work - by Byron Katie & Tao training, NVC, Traditional Chinese nutrition, Orthomolecular therapy, Craniosacral therapy, massage, family constellations, Tantra training and many consciousness festivals and workshops!

And now also a Tantric dance teacher. And wow, this feels close to my essence!

Tantric dance is an extremely powerful dance in which all elements of Tantra come together. It seems very simple, but it puts you completely in touch with yourself. It helps you develop your leadership (masculine energy). You discover your ability to dance with life, create and surrender (feminine energy) with everything that comes your way.

Tantric dance is a dance that leads to unity beyond form. A dance that puts you in the light. It can show parts that you can still look at to free yourself. It is energy work through Chakras, Kundalini energy and contact. Setting boundaries, embodying desires – it's all there!

My mission is to bring people back to their true essence. And I would like to take you on this inner journey with love and passion.

Melissa Safira

A passionate facilitator in the fields of energy work, and tantra. From a young age, Melissa learned to work with her high sensitivity, which was challenging but also a deep source of insight. She’s someone who is always led by love in every aspect of her life. Love serves her as a guiding light, her unwavering compass directing her through the complexities of existence with grace and intention. This led her to various spiritual practices and healing modalities from non- Western and Western traditions each with its own unique wisdom. Melissa primarily engages in kundalini bodywork, kundalini tantra massages and Tantric dance.

What sets Melissa apart is her empathetic ability and intuitive approach. She has the unique gift of sensing exactly where blockages are located and understanding what is needed to help someone move towards them.

Kim Beijer

Live, love, dance..

The saying that Kim describes.

Dancing and music are the common thread through her eventful life. She has done or taught many forms of dance.

After years of experience in tantra and tantric dance, she decided to pass on this form of dance.

It is a beautiful playful way to gain insight into thoughts and patterns.

By also applying this in daily life, it has brought her a lot of resilience.

Kim invites you to her "playground: (dance hall) to come and connect, flow, be and move with what is.

Live, love, dance!


Dassana Bambi is an embodiment facilitator who creates transformative, heart-opening experiences that help people connect with the deepest parts of their essence, soul, passion and the magic of life. Through her loving guidance, she empowers individuals to embrace every part of themselves, letting go of shame and guilt to fully embody their truth.

As people journey with her, they begin to shift their perspectives, feel a deeper connection to their bodies, and release old narratives. They transcend shame, release pain, and find acceptance for what is. With this newfound freedom comes more inner peace, joy, and passion for life.

Dassana’s diverse passions and expertise include:

❤‍🔥 Tantric Dance and Tantra embodiment teacher

🤲 Massage and de-armoring bodywork

🪷 Meditation teacher

🍄 Heart-centered and safe truffle ceremonies

🥳 Creating unique, unforgettable birthday celebrations

💥 Four-time festival organizer in Turkey

With over 23 years of wisdom, authenticity, and experience, Dassana wholeheartedly supports those she works with, offering depth and insight.

Private sessions with Dassana—whether for individuals or couples—are deeply personalized, designed to inspire, expand perspectives, and help release old pain, shame, and guilt. Her intuitive approach ensures that each session is fluid and authentic, tailored to meet the unique needs of each person.

Come and experience the wisdom and insight embodied in her Osho Sannyasin name "Dassana," combined with the playful, joyful, and innocent energy that "Bambi," her Burning Man and Tantra name, represents.