Past Events

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Tantric Dance DEEPENING Group ★ Utrecht

From Sunday 28 January 2024 14:00 until 17:00

Do you feel ready to go in depth with Tantric Dance?

Nine times on a journey with a permanent group of dancers in which there is room for your personal process and we will work a lot with reflection and feedback.
It is very powerful and in-depth to go 'on a journey' with a fixed group, because we get to know each other better and the bed becomes firmer and safer.
The group field deepens and so does the effect of Tantric Dance. This is a way to really anchor Tantric Dance in your body and your life and to use it as a goal for self-development and to take steps in your process.
The dance is a mirror of you, and by really taking the time to feel what is happening in you and to share it, the deepening is created.
We get clear what our patterns are and what life invites us to, through our body, our energy. Our body does not lie 🙂.

This group is for you if you:
* wants to take Tantric Dance to a 'next level'
* want to develop yourself in leadership / surrender
* want to clarify your strength and challenge and learn to dance with it
* want to experience a balance in your inner male and female energy
* wants to experience how much the dance can bring you in your daily life
* if you want to develop further into our advanced TD Intimi group, this group is essential.

By Rakesh & Elfriede and team.

From 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Sunday afternoon.

Or send a whatsapp to 618189585. We will then app for participation in this group.

Price €395,-


9 Sundays 14:00-17:00
28 Jan START
11 and 25 Feb
March 10 and 24
April 7 and 21
May 19
June 2nd