Tantric Dance is aboutconnectingtrustingguidinginvitingreleasingfreeinglovingtouchingliberatingfeelingempoweringgroundingcenteringfloweringsensinghonoringseeingshiningexploring

Liberate yourself to your essence

TD Starter

Tantric Dance Experience
Tantric Dance Celebration

Tantric Dance Specials
Tantric Dance Workshops

Tantric Dance Deepening-group


TD Advanced

Tantric Dance Masterclass

What is Tantric Dance?

A free dance form where there is one who leads (creates) the dance, and one who receives (surrenders) in the dance. The one who receives has the eyes closed and sharpens the other senses in order to be guided. It is playful interaction between two people that through dance become aware of their inner world and body.