Tantric Dance is aboutconnectingtrustingguidinginvitingreleasingfreeinglovingtouchingliberatingfeelingempoweringgroundingcenteringfloweringsensinghonoringseeingshiningexploring

Liberate yourself to your essence

Tantric Dance MASTERCLASS Kundalini ★ Utrecht

Saturday 28 June 13:00 @ Mandira

This workshop is NOT for beginners of the Tantric Dance.

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By registering you agree to the following conditions:
• Your participation in the group is only guaranteed after full payment.
• Tantric Dance is based on a healthy and mature manners within the group.
• The participant is responsible for guarding / keeping his / her boundaries, both physically and mentally.
• Damage by being compensated to the location by a participant.
• Tantric Dance can never be held liable for any damage suffered by the participant during a visit to the chosen event of the location.
• Tantric Dance reserves the right to terminate your participation at any time, a personal statement will be given for this. Such a decision is binding.

• In the unlikely event that you unsubscribe from participation for whatever reason. Then you can do this free of charge up to 14 days in advance, after which 50% will be charged.
• Cancellation on the day itself or if you do not come, there will be no refund.

You need to agree to these terms in order to continue.


Maliebaan 70A, 3581 CV Utrecht


Online presale is open until 10:00 of event day.
Tickets at the door are +€5,-.

You need to select a ticket first.
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