Past Events

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Tantric Dance MASTERCLASS Kundalini ★ Amsterdam

From Saturday 19 October 2024 14:00 until 17:00

For participants with extensive experience in Tantra and/or Tantric Dance.
An in-depth day in which the Tantra aspect of the Tantric Dance is emphasized.
This workshop is only given once or twice a year.
Open to singles and couples. If desired, couples can stay together.
There is room for questions and anything you want to know. It will be an in-depth but also a pleasant day with playfulness and loving contact. A nice ending to this season.

  • Useful techniques for dance (tips & tricks).
  • Tantra exercises that give you more depth during the dance
  • Apply Tantric Dance as a relationship game in your daily life.
  • Personal coaching during the dance.
  • Dealing with resistance through movement and expression.
  • Switching from different starting points (applying chakras).
  • Travel inward instead of dancing outward.
  • Dancing with subtle energy.
  • Activate Kundalini energy in yourself and others.

Tantric Dance Masterclass is for people who are looking for more depth in dance. Experienced Tantric Dancers meet each other on a deeper level. There is room for the technical side of the dance: leading, following, lifting, waving, using space, attuning to each other's energy, dealing with resistance, courage in the dance, sensing boundaries, etc. etc. We demonstrate with playfulness and humor. numerous possibilities. At the same time it is attuning to the male and female energy and how to play with it. Enlarge the polarities as best as possible - this creates tension and excitement in the dance as well as freedom, relaxation and surrender.


TIME: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (3 hours)

€45 (@by +€5)
When payment has been received, your participation is confirmed.

WG plein, ketelhuisplein 41, Amsterdam

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