Past Events

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Tantric Dance FREEFLOW ★ Amsterdam

From Thursday 18 April 2024 18:45 until 22:00

Welcome to this evening, a new concept to dive into this magical dance of leading and following.

The evening starts with a class (optional): an explanation and practice of the basics of Tantric Dance. What are the frameworks and guidelines?

This is a must for new people or people who need to catch up on everything.

Then we move in the FreeFlow. This is an open dance space, without guidance (with space holding) in which you can find your own way in the dance.

You can come to FreeFlow alone if you already know the basics and want to go your own way.


Tantric Dance is the dance between shiva and shakti, the masculine and feminine. The one receiving (female) is blindfolded. In this dance you learn to lead and surrender by feeling. The dance shows you where your strength and challenge lie.

During the class we will explain the basics of dance.

After the class there will be no accompaniment, but only a music track will play, which will be space holding. You can choose how you move. Maybe you only want to dance with your partner, or you feel like you want to stand aside a lot and watch more. It's all allowed and possible during the freeflow. You can stand in the room with a blindfold if you want to be danced, or you can find each other on the side to start a dance.

Yogaschool Noord NDSM
Plotterstraat 24

Class loose: €15,-
Free flow loose: €20
Class&free flow: €25,-

Class: 19-19:45 (door open: 18:45)
Freeflow: 8-10pm (door open 19:45)

The teacher for the class will differ per edition.
You're welcome!
Elfriede, Alina and team