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Tantric Dance ADVANCED ★ Utrecht

From Sunday 19 May 2024 19:30 until 22:00

This evening is for participants who have experience with Tantric Dance.

Especially for experienced and motivated dancers in Tantric Dance. We do everything we can to provide pleasant contact, a warm atmosphere and safety.

You can book a couples ticket and continue dancing together throughout the evening.
To develop and get the required experience, we recommend that you participate in our TD Experience workshops or join our TD In-depth group.

The dance between the masculine and feminine aspects within yourself. One directs the dance, the other receives and is blindfolded. By creating this polarity, you learn a lot about yourself: do you really dare to take charge and can you let yourself go in surrender?
This is helpful in reaching your full potential and helps you learn to dance with life.

The guidance allows personal feedback to be given, both during the evening and afterwards. Advice may then be given to take extra afternoon lessons to ensure the level of the evening.

Start fresh and clean! Flexible dance clothes, extra T-shirt, without jewelry (large earrings), small towel, an open heart and look.

7:00 PM ~ Door open (7:45 PM door closed)
7:30 PM ~ Chakra Activation - warming up
8:00 PM ~ Tantric Dance Advanced
10:00 PM ~ End

€22,- single ticket
€40,- couple ticket
+€3,- aan de deur

Danscentrum Utrecht
Monseigneur van de Weteringstraat 13-A
3581 EA Utrecht

Free on Sundays
Empty spots at Maliebaan